There are various types of 12 volt based home lighting system. These systems are starting from 10 Wp panel to 80 Wp panel.


Power consumption           :            3 x 3-watt 

Light output                      :            900 lumen total,300 lumen /luminary

LED driver type                  :            Constant current driver

Driver efficiency                 :            92%

LED life at full efficiency     :            50,000 hour LED life

Charger type                     :            PWM

Battery protection             :            Over charge, deep discharge

Other protection                :            Battery, panel reverse connection

Switching                         :            Manual

Solar module                     :            10 watt peak

Battery                              :            6 volt, 4.2 Ah

Autonomy                         :            4 h/day



· Ready to use

· Truly portable

· No grid connections are required

· No running cost

· Low maintenance

· Suitable for use in home, hospital, desk lighting etc.

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