We are committed to provide
Quality Solar Energy Products

We have started our journey in 1993 with the bright and futuristic idea of manufacturing renewable energy devices atthe time when the idea has just started taking shape. We manufacture quality Solar Energy products and provide services in the field and our continuous R & D efforts always bring useful, trustworthy, user-friendly and affordable products.

Moreover, as a result of consistent working in real world fulfilling demanding requirement of customers in solar water heating, we have gathered unparallel experience in this field.

  • We provide complete solution for Solar Water Heating System in turn key projects. All kind of SWHS of any capacity are available with us.
  • Off grid and on grid Solar power plats are integrated using best components available and backed by state of the art designing.
  • Small, compact and maintenance free Solar Home lighting systems are hot favorite for remote villages.
  • Didas solar desalination plants are being used by people living in coastal areas for drinking purpose. Indian Railways topping up batteries in remote places.

Quick Facts About

The earth receives more energy from the sun in just one hour than the world uses in a whole year.

Two billion people in the world have no access to electricity. For most of them, solar photovoltaic would be their cheapest electricity source, but they cannot afford it.

Crystalline Silicon cell technology forms about 90% of solar cell demand. The balance comes from thin film technologies.

India is planning to install the World's largest Solar Power Plant with 4,000 MW Capacity near Sambhar Lake in Rajasthan.

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